C U S P brings together two artists, Kate Braine and Aigana Gali, working in different mediums - clay and cloth - to explore the rich seam of mutuality their respective process. Staging her Manifestations Art Project inside Braine’s meta studio - a Queen Anne townhouse full of art and collectibles, 20 Cheyne Row, London - Aigana Gali’s beguiling collection of wearable paintings, made of the finest cloth, was made in response to Braine’s expanded ceramic archive. A point or apex, C U S P (from the Latin cuspis point, 1585) is a site of transition from one thing to another. C U S P also denotes a region, located on the day-side of the northern hemisphere - between May and September - where solar winds bend the earth's magnetic field. Our closest portal to near-Earth space, C U S P is the threshold to being out of this world. Also, an edge or verge, curved like the lip of a liquid-filled cup, mirrored in the shape of your lips, C U S P describes a moment rich with anticipation.

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LIGHT WORKS Group Exhibition SW1

Multidisciplinary exhibition by Artists Aigana Gali, Andrea Hamilton and Elisabetta Cipriani Gallery. Featuring paintings, textiles, murals, photographic works, jewellery by visual artists and video installations, with the pieces showcased tonally, a fluid bouncing of light from sea to steppe and back again, rippling echoes and chromatic threads. Supported by Dina Kemal Marchant, founder of Stories of Art

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